Shepparton Railway Precinct Linkages
Client: Greater Shepparton City Council
Collaboration: Heil Engineering Consultants
Status: Completed June 2018
Collaboration: Heil Engineering Consultants
Status: Completed June 2018
The Shepparton Railway Linkages Project was an integrated engineering and landscape response to design pedestrian & cyclist connections from the Railway Station. The project incorporated existing pedestrian and cyclist links, the Shepparton Railway Precinct Master Plan and linked other key destinations to the train station along the routes. Before starting the design work, we completed a detailed analysis of existing links and site conditions. Ensuring footpaths were accessible and welcoming for all abilities were core considerations. Even though this was a concept plan, we completed extensive design with vehicle turning circles and managed to keep kerb re-alignments to a surprising minimum.
New connectionsThe first route connects the station to Victoria Park Lake and the future location of the Shepparton Art Museum at the south of the park. This path incorporates a 3m wide shared path for pedestrians and cyclists. The second route connects the train station to the CBD via high street through to the Maude Street Mall and redevelopment area.
Welcoming streets
To make the connections welcoming and legible for visitors, we developed a wayfinding concept plan which integrates with the Goulburn Valley Wayfinding Strategy. We walked each street many times to check how people move through the area and orient themselves, both now and in the future. The concept provides priorities for signage and which directions should be included for ease of access through the path network. Rest areas and public art opportunities created welcoming spaces at regular intervals. The feature bollard lighting concept will not only light the path to the future art museum, but also integrate public art into the path features. Tree planting, with careful consideration of size and species, will create, or reinstate, boulevards to provide shady paths for users.
This project was completed by LMLA prior to merger with Thomson Hay Landscape Architects
New connectionsThe first route connects the station to Victoria Park Lake and the future location of the Shepparton Art Museum at the south of the park. This path incorporates a 3m wide shared path for pedestrians and cyclists. The second route connects the train station to the CBD via high street through to the Maude Street Mall and redevelopment area.
Welcoming streets
To make the connections welcoming and legible for visitors, we developed a wayfinding concept plan which integrates with the Goulburn Valley Wayfinding Strategy. We walked each street many times to check how people move through the area and orient themselves, both now and in the future. The concept provides priorities for signage and which directions should be included for ease of access through the path network. Rest areas and public art opportunities created welcoming spaces at regular intervals. The feature bollard lighting concept will not only light the path to the future art museum, but also integrate public art into the path features. Tree planting, with careful consideration of size and species, will create, or reinstate, boulevards to provide shady paths for users.
This project was completed by LMLA prior to merger with Thomson Hay Landscape Architects